Unwell Women

Unwell women

Looking at my intuitively created works of the last few years, I have become aware that circling the „conditio feminina“ forms a creative core that I keep spiraling around like a centre of gravity. The impetus seems to come from a pre-linguistic sense of the body that is conveyed through images. Male gazes, male guidelines that penetrate me like projectiles.
The discomfort produced by the gaze directed at me, which I nevertheless grant the power to judge my existence. 
„To be unwell“ is the term I learned from my mother to describe my menstruation. The unwellness under conditions that go against my body. I always felt it without being able to describe it and drew from it the only conclusion I seemed to be allowed: that there is something wrong with me. I live in a partriarchally intended permanent suspicion against myself.
The (mental) illness is the logical consequence – collapse and refuge at the same time.

Virgin Suicide, paper on cardboard, 2020

Privileged, paper, 18×30 cm

Before I become extinct, paper, 16x21cm, 2023
Crucified 2, paper on cardboard, 12x14cm, 2020
Crime Porn, paper and acrylic paint, 2021
I still need to use signs, paper on cardboard, 5x8cm, 2019

Enigmatic Structure, paper, 16,5x22cm, 2021

Faceless Doll, paper, 20x30cm, 2022
I see myself, paper on cardboard, 18x20cm, 2021
Selbdritt, paper and acrylic paint, 21x28cm, 2022
Divine Sparks, paper, 16,5×17,5cm, 2019
Wear your life like a lose garment, paper, 25x18cm, 2022
11 Frauen, paper on cardboard, 38x44cm, 2020
Privileged white woman imagining a disease, paper on cardboard, 2022
You must be so happy, paper and acrylic paint on cardboard, 27x12cm, 2022
Zykluskalender, paper on cardboard, 31x17cm, 2019